Car Recall Check: Recalls , Lorry

Car Recall Check

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Vehicle Type:
14/07/2017 - Scania
P-, G-, R-, S-Series
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A loose connection between the universal joint and the upper steering column may result in loss of steering.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e4*2007/46*1128*02, e4*2007/46*1129*02, e4*2007/46*1130*02, e4*2007/46*1131*02; types: N323, N324, N333, N334
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured in 2016 and 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/07/2017 - Scania
P-, G-, R-, S-Series
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A loose connection between the universal joint and the upper steering column may result in loss of steering.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e4*2007/46*1128*02, e4*2007/46*1129*02, e4*2007/46*1130*02, e4*2007/46*1131*02; types: N323, N324, N333, N334
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured in 2016 and 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/07/2017 - Scania
P-, G-, R-, S-Series
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A loose connection between the universal joint and the upper steering column may result in loss of steering.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e4*2007/46*1128*02, e4*2007/46*1129*02, e4*2007/46*1130*02, e4*2007/46*1131*02; types: N323, N324, N333, N334
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured in 2016 and 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
23/06/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Operation of the frequent-stop brake is defective in this type of lorry fitted with a refuse collection system. As a result, the lorry may roll backwards and thus pose a risk to the employees riding on the running board and vehicles following behind the refuse lorry if the driver also omits to apply the service brake.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*1170, e1*2007/46*1171Types: 967PKX2
Production Dates:
The lorries concerned were produced between 30 April 2014 and 17 October 2015.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
23/06/2017 - Man
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The brake calipers fitted to the front and driving axles may fail, resulting in reduced controllability of the vehicle owing to the possible lack of braking power in the wheel position concerned and to the alignment of the vehicle when the brakes are applied. As a consequence, accidents might occur.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval: e4*2007/46*0229*03, e4*2007/46*0231*12, e4*2007/46*0229*04, e4*2007/46*0229*05, e4*2007/46*0229*11, e4*2007/46*0229*14, e4*2007/46*0230*06, e4*2007/46*0231*02, e4*200.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured between October 2011 and March 2014
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
23/06/2017 - Man
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The brake calipers fitted to the front and driving axles may fail, resulting in reduced controllability of the vehicle owing to the possible lack of braking power in the wheel position concerned and to the alignment of the vehicle when the brakes are applied. As a consequence, accidents might occur.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval: e4*2007/46*0229*03, e4*2007/46*0231*12, e4*2007/46*0229*04, e4*2007/46*0229*05, e4*2007/46*0229*11, e4*2007/46*0229*14, e4*2007/46*0230*06, e4*2007/46*0231*02, e4*200.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured between October 2011 and March 2014
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
02/06/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The belt buckle between the middle and passenger seat may has been bent excessively (more than 90°) by the passengers while entering or leaving the car.This can result in breakage of some wires of the steel cable which connects the belt buckle with the chassis. If this is the case, the cable could break in the event of an accident which leads to a higher injury risk, because the restraint function of the belt would fail.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*1221*, e1*2007/46*1222*, e1*2007/46*1223*, e1*2007/46*1234*; types: NGE-L64, NGE-L62N, NGE-L42, NGE-L62V
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between October 2013 and 29 March 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/05/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
Actros, Antos
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Check This Car for the following recall:
An unsuitable coating process may result in material damage to the front axle and this may lead to the axle breaking. If the axle breaks, a wheel could become detached from the vehicle, or the vehicle’s steering control could be lost. This may increase the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0726 e1*2007/46*0727 e1*2007/46*0732 e1*2007/46*0734 e1*2007/46*0737; types: 963-0-A, 963-4-A, 963-0-C, 963-4-C, 963-4-E; sales description: Actros 963, Antos 963
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 23 November 2016 and 16 March 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
26/05/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
Actros, Antos
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Check This Car for the following recall:
An unsuitable coating process may result in material damage to the front axle and this may lead to the axle breaking. If the axle breaks, a wheel could become detached from the vehicle, or the vehicle’s steering control could be lost. This may increase the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type-approval numbers: e1*2007/46*0726 e1*2007/46*0727 e1*2007/46*0732 e1*2007/46*0734 e1*2007/46*0737; types: 963-0-A, 963-4-A, 963-0-C, 963-4-C, 963-4-E; sales description: Actros 963, Antos 963
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 23 November 2016 and 16 March 2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
19/05/2017 - Mitsubishi
FUSO Canter
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The fuel return pipe is insufficiently designed against chemicals, paints, soap or fats used by bodywork manufacturers or in cleaning. The chemicals cause the hoses to swell, which could cause them to break free of their connection, causing fuel to leak out. In the worst case, a fire could occur.
Model Numbers:
Type approval numbers: e4*2007/46*0379*00, e4*2007/46*0380*00, E4*715/2007*630/2012M*0407*00, e4*715/2007*630/2012M*0408*00, e4*595/2009*64/2012A*0003*00Types: FE4P10-01, FE4P10-02
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured between 4.7.2009 and 18.12.2013.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/05/2017 - Man
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The screws on the axle guides may have been installed with too low tightening torque and come loose. This can impair steerability and increase the risk of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Type approval numbers: e4*2007/46*0229*22 - 24, e4*2007/46*0231*22 - 24 Types: L.2007.46.001, L.2007.46.003
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between 18 March 2016 and 25 August 2016.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
28/04/2017 - Mercedes-Benz
Actros, Antos, Arocs, Atego
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
In the vehicles affected, a defective steering wheel screw connection can cause the steering wheel to disengage from the steering column.
Model Numbers:
EC type-approval: e1*2007/46*0779, e1*2007/46*0775, e1*2007/46*0813, e1*2007/46*0838, e1*2007/46*0822, e1*2007/46*0682, e1*2007/46*0811, e1*2007/46*0774, e1*2007/46*0726, e1*2007/46*0732, e1*2007.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between 11.11.2016 and 23.03.2017.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View