Car Recall Check: Recalls
Car Recall Check
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Common Vehicle Manufacturer Recalls
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Vehicle Type:
19/09/2014 - Audi
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
It is possible that, in isolated cases, oil arrives into the brake force amplifier through the vacuum hoses. This can lead to damage of the amplifier membrane and consequently to reduction of brake force, which could lead to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Audi A6 (C7), Model 4G2;Audi A6 Avant (C7), Model 4G5;Audi A7 Sportback, Model 4GA;Audi A6 Allroad (C7), Model 4GH;Audi Q7, Model 4LB;Audi A5 Cabrio (B8), Model 8F7;Audi A4 (B8), Mode.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured between March 2012 and December 2012
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
19/09/2014 - Audi
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
It is possible that, in isolated cases, oil arrives into the brake force amplifier through the vacuum hoses. This can lead to damage of the amplifier membrane and consequently to reduction of brake force, which could lead to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Audi A6 (C7), Model 4G2;Audi A6 Avant (C7), Model 4G5;Audi A7 Sportback, Model 4GA;Audi A6 Allroad (C7), Model 4GH;Audi Q7, Model 4LB;Audi A5 Cabrio (B8), Model 8F7;Audi A4 (B8), Mode.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured between March 2012 and December 2012
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
19/09/2014 - Audi
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
It is possible that, in isolated cases, oil arrives into the brake force amplifier through the vacuum hoses. This can lead to damage of the amplifier membrane and consequently to reduction of brake force, which could lead to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Audi A6 (C7), Model 4G2;Audi A6 Avant (C7), Model 4G5;Audi A7 Sportback, Model 4GA;Audi A6 Allroad (C7), Model 4GH;Audi Q7, Model 4LB;Audi A5 Cabrio (B8), Model 8F7;Audi A4 (B8), Mode.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured between March 2012 and December 2012
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
19/09/2014 - Audi
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
It is possible that, in isolated cases, oil arrives into the brake force amplifier through the vacuum hoses. This can lead to damage of the amplifier membrane and consequently to reduction of brake force, which could lead to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Audi A6 (C7), Model 4G2;Audi A6 Avant (C7), Model 4G5;Audi A7 Sportback, Model 4GA;Audi A6 Allroad (C7), Model 4GH;Audi Q7, Model 4LB;Audi A5 Cabrio (B8), Model 8F7;Audi A4 (B8), Mode.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured between March 2012 and December 2012
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
19/09/2014 - Audi
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
AUDI A4; A5; A6; A7; Q7;Q5.
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Check This Car for the following recall:
It is possible that, in isolated cases, oil arrives into the brake force amplifier through the vacuum hoses. This can lead to damage of the amplifier membrane and consequently to reduction of brake force, which could lead to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Audi A6 (C7), Model 4G2;Audi A6 Avant (C7), Model 4G5;Audi A7 Sportback, Model 4GA;Audi A6 Allroad (C7), Model 4GH;Audi Q7, Model 4LB;Audi A5 Cabrio (B8), Model 8F7;Audi A4 (B8), Mode.....
Production Dates:
The vehicles concerned were manufactured between March 2012 and December 2012
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
12/09/2014 - Chevrolet
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The driver may bump the ignition key with his or her knee and unintentionally move the key away from the “run” position. If this occurs, engine power, and power braking will be affected and power steering may be affected, increasing the risk of a crash. In the event of a crash, the timing of the key movement out of the “run” position, relative to the activation of the sensing algorithm of the crash event, may result in the airbags not deploying, increasing the potential for occupant injury.
Model Numbers:
Type: 1) GMX511 2) GMX521 Model: 1) Camaro Convertible (F) 2) Camaro Coupe (F) EC-Type approval number: 1) 2012 e11*KS07/46*0040*01-03 2) 2012 e11*KS07/46*0041*01-04
Production Dates:
Affects all 2010-2014 model year Chevrolet Camaro vehicles.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
05/09/2014 - Porsche
918 Spyder
918 Spyder
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A drive unit component in the rear axle may have come from a batch which did not comply with the specification. There may be a change in the characteristics of the materials and a resultant deterioration in fatigue strength. Unsafe driving conditions therefore cannot be ruled out.
Model Numbers:
EC type approval: e13*KS07/46*0014*03
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected are those manufactured from 10 April 2014 to 18 June 2014.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
05/09/2014 - CITROEN
C3 and DS3
C3 and DS3
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The front wishbone fixing bolts may be defective and could break resulting in a change in the driving and steering behaviour of the car.
Model Numbers:
C3: EC type-approval numbers: e2*2007/46*0003*25; e2*2007/46*0003*26; e2*2007/46*0003*27; e2*2007/46*0060*10; e24*2007/46*0028*03, DS3: EC type-approval numbers: e2*2007/46*0003*25; e2*2007/46*0003*27; e2*KS07/46*0004*03; e2*KS07/46*0004*04; e2*KS07/46*0005*03; e24*2007/46*0028*02
Production Dates:
Vehicles produced between 25.09.2013 and 26.11.2013.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
29/08/2014 - Cadillac
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Vibrations of the driveshaft that are transferred to the rollover sensor located on the floor above it may result in the deployment of the roof rail airbags (RRAB) which may cause injury to the occupants of the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Type: GMX322 Model: EC type-approval number: e13*2001/116*0260*07
Production Dates:
The vehicles in question were manufactured between 18.10.2010 and 02.06.2011.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
29/08/2014 - Chevrolet
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The low beam headlamps may not work. Loss of low beam headlamps when they are required could reduce the driver's visibility, increasing the risk of a crash.
Model Numbers:
Type: GMX245.EC type-approval: e13*2001/116*0150*00-*02
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured between 2004 and 2007.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
29/08/2014 - Cadillac, Chevrolet
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The ignition key may unintentionally move away from the "run" position. If this occurs, engine power, power steering and power braking may be affected, increasing the risk of a crash. The timing of the key movement out of the "run" position, relative to the activation of the sensing algorithm of the crash event, may result in the airbags not deploying, increasing the potential for occupant injury in certain kinds of crashes.
Model Numbers:
types: GMX320, GMX322, GMT265, "N" Carmodels: CTS, SRX, DTS (Cadillac), Alero (Chevrolet);type-approval numbers: e13*2001/116*0086*01-*09 (CTS), e13*2001/116*0260*00-*03 and *05-*11 (CTS) , .....
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured between 2001 and 2014.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
29/08/2014 - Cadillac, Chevrolet
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The ignition key may unintentionally move away from the "run" position. If this occurs, engine power, power steering and power braking may be affected, increasing the risk of a crash. The timing of the key movement out of the "run" position, relative to the activation of the sensing algorithm of the crash event, may result in the airbags not deploying, increasing the potential for occupant injury in certain kinds of crashes.
Model Numbers:
types: GMX320, GMX322, GMT265, "N" Carmodels: CTS, SRX, DTS (Cadillac), Alero (Chevrolet);type-approval numbers: e13*2001/116*0086*01-*09 (CTS), e13*2001/116*0260*00-*03 and *05-*11 (CTS) , .....
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were manufactured between 2001 and 2014.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View