Car Recall Check: Recalls
Car Recall Check
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Vehicle Type:
18/04/2014 - Mitsubishi
Outlander DI-D
Outlander DI-D
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The alternator pulley may detach from the alternator. If this happens, the resulting loss of drive to the power steering pump will result in reduced power steering assistance.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Model year: 2011/2012;Production period: Until 19 October 2011.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
18/04/2014 - Mitsubishi
Outlander DI-D
Outlander DI-D
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The alternator pulley may detach from the alternator. If this happens, the resulting loss of drive to the power steering pump will result in reduced power steering assistance.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Model year: 2011/2012;Production period: Until 19 October 2011.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
18/04/2014 - Land Rover
Range Rover Evoque and Land Rover Freelander 2
Range Rover Evoque and Land Rover Freelander 2
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Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a risk of one or both of the suspension link arm fixings fracturing. If this should happen, the Stability Control System (SCS) may not be able to control the lateral vehicle motion causing an increased risk of a crash.
Model Numbers:
XF = e11*2001/116*0323, XJ = e11*2007/46*0089, XK = e11*2001/116*0272
Production Dates:
Range Rover Evoque built between 2/11/13 - 10/1/14Land Rover Freelander 2 built between 1/11/13 - 10/1/14VIN numbers:Ranger Rover Evoque = SALVA2BG4EHLV856654 - SALVA2AE7EHLV880754Land Ro.....
Recall Code:
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18/04/2014 - Land Rover
Range Rover
Range Rover
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Check This Car for the following recall:
In the event of a front direction indicator lamp failure, the required audible and visual warning is not provided. The driver is therefore not alerted to the failure and oncoming road users will not know the intended direction of the vehicle, which could lead to an increased risk of a vehicle crash.
Model Numbers:
Range Rover built between 7/5/13 - 10/10/13
Production Dates:
Vehicle 2014VIN = SALGA2EF4EF4EA124982 - SALGA2J31E1WA142563
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
11/04/2014 - Jeep
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The gearbox-oil cooler pipe may come into contact with the power steering return pipe. Prolonged contact between the two pipes may lead to a leak in the gearbox-oil cooler pipe. This may result in a substantial volume of oil being deposited on the road and the gears may stop working.
Model Numbers:
EC type-approval number: e4*2001/116*0116* , Type: JK, Wrangler
Production Dates:
The vehicles affected were produced between June 2012 and February 2013
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
11/04/2014 - Hyundai
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The driver’s seat belt pre-tensioner may not work properly. This could reduce the restraining power of the belt and affect the driver’s safety in the case of an accident.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
The recall affects vehicles produced from 17 October 2011 to 08 June 2012, with VINs from TMAJU81BDCJ215079 to TMAJU81UACJ330927.
Recall Code:
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21/03/2014 - Mitsubishi
ASX, Lancer/Lancer Sportback
ASX, Lancer/Lancer Sportback
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Unwanted soot / carbon deposits on the piston rings might cause the piston rings to get stuck in the piston groove. As a result, this can cause increased blow-by gas to directly enter the crank case which in turn may cause the piston to overheat and melt. As a consequence, the engine may stall.
Model Numbers:
ASX (GA6W), Lancer / Lancer Sportback (CY9A/CX9A)
Production Dates:
Model Year: 2011-2012Production period: Until 9 February 2012
Recall Code:
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21/03/2014 - Mitsubishi
ASX, Lancer/Lancer Sportback
ASX, Lancer/Lancer Sportback
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Unwanted soot / carbon deposits on the piston rings might cause the piston rings to get stuck in the piston groove. As a result, this can cause increased blow-by gas to directly enter the crank case which in turn may cause the piston to overheat and melt. As a consequence, the engine may stall.
Model Numbers:
ASX (GA6W), Lancer / Lancer Sportback (CY9A/CX9A)
Production Dates:
Model Year: 2011-2012Production period: Until 9 February 2012
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/03/2014 - Porsche
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Check This Car for the following recall:
There is a risk that the vehicle may catch fire.
Model Numbers:
Type: 991; model: 911 GT3; EC type-approval: e13*2007/46*1187*05-*07
Production Dates:
Production period from 02/10/2013 to 02/11/2014.
Recall Code:
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14/03/2014 - CITROEN
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Front brake discs with the incorrect thickness may have been fitted. If this has happened, breakage of the brake discs cannot be ruled out.
Model Numbers:
Type: G9: model: Jumpy; EC type-approvals: e2*2001/116*0350*21 and e2*2007/46*0045*10
Production Dates:
Vehicles produced between 28 August and 19 December 2013 are affected.
Recall Code:
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14/03/2014 - CITROEN
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Check This Car for the following recall:
Owing to a defective welded joint on the rear-axle cross-member, the weld seam may tear and result in loss of control of the vehicle.
Model Numbers:
Type: P*****; model: C1; EC type-approval: e11*2001/116*0238*10
Production Dates:
Vehicles produced between 25 and 31 July 2013 are affected.
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
14/03/2014 - VW
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Check This Car for the following recall:
A ball stud holding the gas-pressure spring on the rear door may work loose and in the worst case become detached. If this occurs, the door could fall off.
Model Numbers:
Type: 2K, 2KN; Model: Caddy; EC type approval numbers: e1*2001/116*0252*, e1*2007/46*0217*
Production Dates:
Vehicles manufactured between 1 November 2003 and 14 January 2013 are affected.
Recall Code:
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