Car Recall Check: Recalls
Car Recall Check
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Vehicle Type:
22/01/2010 - Audi
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2010 - Audi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2010 - Audi
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2010 - Audi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2010 - Audi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2010 - Audi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2010 - Audi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
22/01/2010 - Audi
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because, in the event of an accident resulting in triggering of the curtain airbags, the A-pillar trim can come loose moving into the passenger compartment.
Model Numbers:
The recall concerns 2009 model years vehicles, produced between December 2008 and May 2009, with VINs: from WAU***8R*AA000212 to WAU***8R*AA000850, from WAU***8R*9A006992 to WAU***8R*9A054268, from WA1***FP*AA000330 to WA1***FP*AA000330 and from WA1***8R*9A009345 to WA1***8R*9A054263.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2010 - Land Rover
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because transfer box oil contamination of the park brake shoes and brake drum may mean that the park brake when engaged will not hold the vehicle stationary on a gradient leading to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles made from 7 June 2007 till 13 February 2008. VIN numbers: LD 740135-LD 757662, LD739991, LD066843-LD068528.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2010 - Chrysler/Jeep
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of burns and fire because the front seat heating elements may overheat resulting in charring of the upholstery and seat fabric.
Model Numbers:
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2010 - Ford
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Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of fire because corrosion of the control module of the radiator fan can cause road salt to penetrate the electronics leading to overheating which can cause the module and the surrounding cables and components to catch fire.
Model Numbers:
The cars affected are those manufactured between 1 June 2006 and 25 January 2007, with type-approval numbers e13*2001/116*009.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View
15/01/2010 - Land Rover
No Image available
Check This Car for the following recall:
The product poses a risk of injuries because transfer box oil contamination of the park brake shoes and brake drum may mean that the park brake when engaged will not hold the vehicle stationary on a gradient leading to an accident.
Model Numbers:
Vehicles made from 7 June 2007 till 13 February 2008. VIN numbers: LD 740135-LD 757662, LD739991, LD066843-LD068528.
Production Dates:
Recall Code:
For more information and see the full recall View